Strict Verification
Apart from our strict verification process, customers and transporters are free to ask us to further verify a transporter or customer , we are happy to do this within the confines of our terms and agreements.
Africa and world shipping marketplace.
If you answered yes to all of the above, then afodel.com is your best bet.
Get StartedThe largest database of verified UK / EU to Africa shippers delivering goods to every destination in Africa and helping to move goods from Africa to UK/EU and the rest of the world.
Afodel.com is a shipping marketplace for Freight forwarders, cargo agents, Couriers, import and export agents and anyone in the shipping and supply chain management that can help facilitate transportation of goods within Africa, from Africa and into Africa.
Afodel.com connects transporters to customers involved in African trade, with Afodel you get a wide range of strictly verified transporters that would help move goods to Africa from the UK, EU and anywhere in the world. Also from Africa to UK, EU and anywhere in the world.
Transactions and payments between customers and transporters are solely in their hands, afodel.com cannot dictate and does not get involved in negotiations, one of the good things here at afodel.com is the great bargains that can be snapped up by both transporters and customers.
At Afodel.com, inefficient , dodgy and shady transporters and customers cannot hide because you can review them on your experience with them and showing people if they are trust worthy enough to deal with.
Bad reviews are bad for business and everyone knows this, that is why Afodel.com is one of the most transparent of it's kind around.
Apart from our strict verification process, customers and transporters are free to ask us to further verify a transporter or customer , we are happy to do this within the confines of our terms and agreements.
Normally once a quote has been accepted by a customer, here Afodel's involvement ends with two matured individuals transacting a business but we are happy to mediate to settle any dispute and where there is serious gross misconduct by any of the contracting party, we may be forced to suspend or remove either or both parties from our network.
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